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Atención Integral a Sobrevivientes de Trata de Personas – Una Perspectiva del Trabajo Social

Las víctimas de trata son personas de diversos orígenes, experiencias de vida y respuestas a su situación de trata. La atención y el apoyo a las víctimas debe reflejar esta diversidad ofreciendo una atención integral que atienda las necesidades individuales de los sobrevivientes a medida que comienzan a reconstruir sus vidas. Un paquete completo de asistencia debería incluir la atención de trabajadores sociales profesionales capacitados para trabajar con las víctimas de trata de personas. La atención destinada a atender las necesidades individuales de cada sobreviviente reduce su vulnerabilidad a ser víctimas de trata o a seguir explotándola y trata de garantizar la reintegración comunitaria y la inclusión social a largo plazo.

June 15, 2022, , , , espanolcivil-society criminal-justice social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims working-with-victims
Coacción en el contexto de la trata de personas

Los investigadores y fiscales deben ser conscientes de las muchas y variadas – y a menudo sutiles – formas de coacción que emplean las personas tratantes para obligar a las víctimas a trabajar o a participar en actos sexuales comerciales.

June 15, 2022, , , , espanolcriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors
Coercion in the Human Trafficking Context

Investigators and prosecutors must be aware of the many various—and often subtle—forms of coercion human traffickers employ to compel victims to provide labor or engage in commercial sex acts. This Practice Guide examines the international definition of coercion from the UN Trafficking Protocol, the types of coercion, and the methods of coercion that are used by traffickers to compel victims.  This analysis, in addition to a helpful list of questions prosecutors need to ask victims to develop strong evidence of coercion, and how to use this evidence at trial, is invaluable to investigators and prosecutors working on human trafficking cases.

January 29, 2019, , , , englishcriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors

Collaboration in the fight against human trafficking exists across a spectrum – from simple, informal efforts to gather donations for a local shelter to complex multi-national agreements that establish standards and create collaborativevpartnerships. This Practice Guide offers important guidance for collaboration at any point on that spectrum. It is divided into five parts each of which covers the key considerations and elements for effective collaboration at that stage.

March 27, 2024, , , , , englishcivil-society criminal-justice law-enforcement policymakers prosecutors social-service-providers
Collecte de données de justice pénale sur la traite des personnes: Guide pratique pour l’application de la loi

Le présent guide pratique s’adresse aux membres des organismes d’application de la loi qui sont chargés de recueillir des données sur la traite des personnes ou qui envisagent de le faire. Plus précisément, le présent guide pratique s’adresse aux organismes d’application de la loi qui ne disposent pas encore d’un outil ou d’un système de collecte de données normalisé ou suffisant pour recueillir, consigner, suivre et déclarer de l’information sur la traite des personnes. Le présent guide pratique peut être utilisé par les organismes d’application de la loi pour élaborer un système préliminaire de collecte de données de justice pénale sur la traite de personnes ou pour améliorer un système existant.

August 1, 2022, , , francaisecriminal-justice data-collection law-enforcement police
Collecting Criminal Justice Data on Human Trafficking: Practice Guide for Law Enforcement

Law enforcement personnel are often tasked with data collection in human trafficking cases. This Practice Guide provides guidance for law enforcement who do not yet have a standardized or sufficient data collection tool or system in place to acquire, record, track and report information on human trafficking. Law enforcement personnel can use this Practice Guide to develop a system to collect criminal justice data on human trafficking.

December 29, 2020, , , englishcriminal-justice data-collection law-enforcement police
Comment l’utilisation de consultants experts et de témoins experts peut renforcer votre cas de traite de personnes

Étant donné que la traite de personnes peut être un nouveau concept pour les juges et les jurys, un témoin expert peut fournir un contexte en tant que voix externe et objective.

September 26, 2022, , , francaisecriminal-justice prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors working-with-expert-witnesses
Cómo el uso de consultores expertos y peritos puede fortalecer su caso de trata de personas

Debido a que la trata de personas puede ser un concepto nuevo para los jueces y jurados, un perito (o testigo experto) puede proporcionar contexto como una persona externa y objetiva.

December 14, 2021, , , espanolcriminal-justice prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors working-with-expert-witnesses
Comprehensive Care for Survivors of Human Trafficking – A Social Work Perspective

Protecting victims of trafficking is a key aspect of combatting human trafficking. Victims of trafficking come from diverse backgrounds, have different life experiences, and respond differently to their situations. The care given to survivors of trafficking should be adaptive to these diverse needs in order to reduce their vulnerability to future trafficking and help them re-integrate into their communities. This Practice Guide provides suggestions for improvements to crisis care, medium- and long-term care, and future referrals. This guide also reinforces the importance of social work in victim care and explains relevant occupational concerns.

September 21, 2020, , , , englishcivil-society criminal-justice social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims working-with-victims
Conservación y presentación del testimonio de una víctima de trata que no está físicamente presente en el juicio

Fiscales e investigadores deben considerar el uso de todos y cada uno de los métodos para recopilar información y preservar u obtener el testimonio admisible de la víctima. Si no existe un proceso claro para la preservación o adquisición remota de testimonios, la fiscalía debe intentar utilizar cualquiera de los métodos alternativos que no estén expresamente prohibidos por la ley.

December 13, 2021, , , , espanolcriminal-justice law-enforcement prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors working-with-victims
Corroborative Evidence for Trafficking in Persons Investigations

Corroborative evidence is necessary in victim-based and trauma-informed investigations and can help authenticate what witnesses and victims have relayed, build their confidence, and construct a stronger human trafficking investigation leading to a successful prosecution and punishment for human traffickers.

March 27, 2024, , , englishinvestigations law-enforcement police victim-centered-approach
Creación de espacios aptos y amigables para niñas, niños, y adolescentes víctimas de trata de personas

Las personas menores de edad víctimas de trata se ven especialmente afectadas por las experiencias de explotación debido a su vulnerabilidad inherente. Para ello es necesario adoptar medidas especiales y adicionales que garanticen su seguridad y bienestar en cada etapa posterior de sus vidas. En todas estas etapas, los espacios aptos y amigables para la niñez y adolescencia son de suma importancia. Estos espacios pueden estar situados en cualquier lugar donde una víctima menor de edad pueda interactuar con profesionales y es una buena práctica utilizarlos cuando se dan estas interacciones. Además, es importante tener en cuenta los siguientes elementos a la hora de desarrollar y utilizar estos espacios: el espacio, el personal, las normas y la sostenibilidad.

May 8, 2024, , , , espanolchild-friendly-spaces criminal-justice prosecutors social-service-providers working-with-victims
Developing Child-Friendly Spaces for Child and Adolescent Trafficking Victims

Child and adolescent trafficking victims are uniquely affected by trafficking experiences due to their inherent vulnerability. This requires that special and additional measures be implemented to ensure the safety and well-being of child and adolescent trafficking victims at every stage of their lives after trafficking. At all of these stages, child-friendly spaces are important. Child-friendly spaces can be located anywhere a child trafficking victim may interact with a practitioner. It is good practice for child-friendly spaces to be used any time a practitioner interacts with a child or adolescent trafficking victim. Practitioners should consider the 4S Approach when developing and utilizing child-friendly spaces – Space, Staff, Standards, and Sustainability.

March 28, 2024, , , , englishchild-friendly-spaces criminal-justice prosecutors social-service-providers working-with-victims
Development of Intelligence-Led Data to Support Investigations in Trafficking in Persons Cases

Law enforcement efforts against TIP will always be more efficient, and hopefully successful, if they can build upon existing knowledge and be guided by past experience. Pro-active investigations that develop intelligence-led data that can support strong prosecutions provide the best opportunities to disrupt and dismantle criminal enterprises engaged in human trafficking. This Practice Guide helps investigators focus on the importance of identifying, collecting, analyzing, and sharing intelligence-led data that will increase recognition of victims and enable the identification of evidence to build stronger cases.

December 17, 2020, , , , , englishcriminal-justice identifying-victims intelligence-led-policing investigations law-enforcement police
El uso del consentimiento como defensa en los casos de trata de personas

El uso del consentimiento como defensa no puede utilizarse en un caso de trata de personas. Sin embargo, los abogados defensores suelen plantearla directa o indirectamente. Usted puede prepararse con el conocimiento de las leyes y estrategias para frustrar y responder eficazmente a los intentos del abogado defensor de plantear la cuestión del consentimiento.

March 21, 2022, , , , espanolcriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors
How Using Expert Consultants & Expert Witnesses Can Strengthen Your Human Trafficking Case

Because human trafficking can be a new concept to judges and juries, an Expert Witness can provide context as an external, objective voice. This Practice Guide provides guidelines to consider when using expert witnesses to prosecute human trafficking cases.

June 30, 2016, , , englishcriminal-justice prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors working-with-expert-witnesses
Identificación, referencias y atención de las víctimas de trata. Una descripción general de los mecanismos nacionales de referencias

El diseño y el establecimiento de un Mecanismo Nacional de Referencia eficiente es clave para la identificación, el apoyo y la recuperación sensibles y adecuados de las víctimas de trata.

December 27, 2021, , , , , , , espanolcivil-society criminal-justice law-enforcement legislators national-referral-mechanism policymakers social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims
Identifier, référer et assister les victimes de la traite des personnes. Un aperçu des mécanismes nationaux de référence

La conception et l’établissement d’un mécanisme national d’orientation efficace sont essentiels pour pouvoir identifier, soutenir et aider au rétablissement des victimes de la traite des personnes (TP) de manière sensible et appropriée.

December 14, 2021, , , , , , , francaisecivil-society criminal-justice law-enforcement legislators national-referral-mechanism policymakers social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims
Identifying, Referring and Assisting Trafficking Victims. An Overview of National Referral Mechanisms.

It is with a robust National Referral Mechanism, established and implemented by a country’s government at all levels and with its civil society partners, that the rights of trafficking victims are best and most effectively protected. Government officials and other stakeholders charged with assessing the viability of a National Referral Mechanism in their individual country or who are overseeing the creation or amendment of a National Referral Mechanism will benefit from this Practice Guide. The guide begins with a description of a National Referral Mechanism (NRM) and then outlines the key features of an effective NRM as well as the criteria to guide its design. Additional reference materials are also included for more detailed information on specific subjects and issues in relation to NRMs.

January 29, 2019, , , , , , , englishcivil-society criminal-justice law-enforcement legislators national-referral-mechanism policymakers social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims
Inclusion of Marginalized or Underserved Populations: Drafting Considerations for Human Trafficking Instruments

Too many countries’ trafficking in persons (TIP) laws and policies fail to properly serve certain vulnerable populations. Some of these populations are marginalized and extremely vulnerable to trafficking but are unable or unwilling to seek help for a variety of reasons. This Practice Guide helps policymakers carefully consider the needs and vulnerabilities of specific populations to create a national response that will ensure that services are available for, and the national system is responsive to, the full range of TIP victims will ensure that services are available for, and the national system is responsive to, the full range of TIP victims.

December 30, 2020, , , , englishcriminal-justice law legislators policy policymakers
Îngrijirea comprehensivă pentru supraviețuitorii/supraviețuitoarele traficului de persoane – perspectiva asistenței sociale

Victimele traficului sunt persoane care vin din diferite medii, au diferite experiențe de viață și situația lor legată de trafic este abordată diferit. Îngrijirea și sprijinul victimelor trebuie să reflecte diversitatea dată atunci când se oferă îngrijire comprehensivă care abordează nevoile individuale ale acestora, pe măsură ce persoanele încep să își refacă viețile. Pachetul comprehensiv de asistență trebuie să includă îngrijiri din partea unor asistenți sociali profesioniști, care sunt instruiți să lucreze cu victimele traficului de persoane. Îngrijirea ajustată nevoilor individuale ale fiecărei persoane reduce vulnerabilitatea acesteia de a fi re-traficată sau exploatată în continuare și va asigura integrarea pe termen lung în comunitate și incluziunea socială.

August 25, 2022, , , , romanacivil-society criminal-justice social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims working-with-victims
Interpretation Logistics for Trafficking In Persons Cases

Written by Senior Advisor on Law and Policy Sheila Berman, this Practice Guide details how to establish a relationship with the interviewee while considering the needs of the interpreter. It assists investigators and prosecutors working on human trafficking cases requiring the use of an interpreter to communicate with case witness(es) or defendant(s).

October 6, 2017, , , , , englishcriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutors working-with-interpreters working-with-victims
Kompleksowa opieka dla osób, które doświadczyły handlu ludźmi – Z perspektywy pracy socjalnej

Ofiary handlu ludźmi to osoby o różnym pochodzeniu, doświadczeniach życiowych i reakcjach na sytuację, w której się znalazły. Pomoc i wsparcie udzielane ofiarom powinny odzwierciedlać tę różnorodność w formie kompleksowej opieki odpowiadającej na indywidualne potrzeby osób, które doświadczyły tego procederu, aby mogły odbudować swoje życie. Kompleksowy pakiet wsparcia powinien obejmować opiekę profesjonalnych pracowników socjalnych wyszkolonych w zakresie pracy z ofiarami handlu ludźmi. Opieka przygotowana z myślą o indywidualnych potrzebach każdej ofiary handlu ludźmi zmniejsza ryzyko ponownego wykorzystania ich lub wyzysku oraz ma na celu zapewnić długoterminową reintegrację i włączenie społeczne.

August 25, 2022, , , , polskicivil-society criminal-justice social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims working-with-victims
La coercition dans le contexte de la traite des personnes

Les enquêteurs et les procureurs doivent être conscients des nombreuses et diverses formes, souvent subtiles, de coercition que les personnes traitantes emploient pour obliger les victimes à fournir du travail ou à commettre des actes sexuels commerciaux.

September 26, 2022, , , , francaisecriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors
La défense par consentement dans les cas de traite de personnes

La défense de consentement ne peut pas être utilisée dans un cas de traite de personnes (TP). Toutefois, elle est souvent soulevée par les avocats de la défense, directement ou indirectement. Vous pouvez vous préparer en connaissant les lois et les stratégies pour contrecarrer efficacement les tentatives de l’avocat de la défense de soulever la question du consentement et y répondre.

September 26, 2022, , , , francaisecriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors
Memberi Dukungan Pelayanan Sosial kepada Korban Perdagangan Orang yang Bertindak sebagai Saksi dalam Proses Hukum

Para petugas pelayanan sosial dapat berkontribusi dalam penuntutan pelaku perdagangan orang dengan mendukung saksi korban untuk bekerja sama dengan penegak hukum.

December 13, 2021, , , , bahasa-indonesiacivil-society criminal-justice social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims working-with-victims
Mengidentifikasi, Merujuk dan Membantu Korban Perdagangan Orang. Tinjauan Umum Mekanisme Rujukan Nasional.

Merancang dan membangun Mekanisme Rujukan Nasional yang efektif adalah kunci untuk identifikasi, dukungan, dan pemulihan korban perdagangan orang secara sensitif dan tepat.

December 13, 2021, , , , , , , bahasa-indonesiacivil-society criminal-justice law-enforcement legislators national-referral-mechanism policymakers social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims
Non-Criminalization / non-punishment of victims of trafficking

Victims of trafficking should not be criminalized or otherwise punished for acts they commit as a direct result of being trafficked. Beyond protecting rights of victims, this principle of non-punishment also serves criminal justice objectives, by empowering victims to participate in criminal justice processes against traffickers and ensuring that traffickers do not escape justice by deflecting risks of prosecution onto their victims. The non-punishment principle is widely recognized but unevenly applied in practice. This Practice Guide provides practical guidance to law and policymakers, criminal justice practitioners, and service providers on applying the non-punishment principle to ensure victims of trafficking are not punished for crimes committed as a direct result of being trafficked.

December 29, 2021, , , , , , , englishcriminal-justice law-enforcement non-criminalization police prosecutors social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims working-with-victims
Preparación del juicio del fiscal – Contrarrestar las defensas comunes

El fiscal puede anticipar los argumentos de defensa comunes que se ofrecen en los casos de trata de personas y prepararse para presentar contraargumentos respaldados por pruebas que los confirmen.

June 15, 2022, , , , espanolcriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors
Préparation du procès du procureur – Contrer les défenses courantes

Le procureur peut anticiper les arguments de défense communs offerts dans les cas de traite de personnes et se préparer à présenter des arguments contraires étayés par des preuves les confirmant.

September 26, 2022, , , , francaisecriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors
Préservation et présentation du témoignage d’une victime de traite absente physiquement au procès

L’enquêteur et/ou le procureur devrait envisager d’utiliser toutes les méthodes pour recueillir des informations et préserver ou obtenir un témoignage recevable de la victime. S’il n’y a pas de processus clair en place pour la conservation ou l’acquisition à distance des
témoignages, le procureur devrait chercher à utiliser l’une des méthodes alternatives qui ne sont pas spécifiquement interdites par la loi.

December 13, 2021, , , , francaisecriminal-justice law-enforcement prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors working-with-victims
Preserving and Presenting the Testimony of a Victim of Trafficking not Physically Present at Trial

In some instances, victims of trafficking may not wish to remain in the country where prosecution is occurring or may be unable to. In these instances, it is important that prosecutors are able to gather necessary testimony for the prosecution of traffickers. This Practice Guide provides strategies prosecutors can use to obtain remote testimony and, when necessary, use previous statements as evidence during the trial. This guide also contains information on ensuring a victim-centered approach and relevant legal and procedural considerations.

June 30, 2020, , , , englishcriminal-justice law-enforcement prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors working-with-victims
Prosecutor Trial Preparation – Direct Examination Questions for the Victim

This Practice Guide provides actionable techniques and guidelines for prosecutors to consider when preparing an orderly and logical direct examination of the victim in trafficking in persons cases. The victim is the only witness in a TIP case who can tell the full story of the trafficking crime, making the direct examination critical to a successful case.

October 6, 2017, , , , englishcriminal-justice prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors victim-centered-approach working-with-victims
Prosecutor Trial Preparation – Countering Common Defenses

The prosecutor of human trafficking cases can anticipate the common defense arguments and prepare to present counter-arguments supported by corroborating evidence. This Practice Guide explains the relationship between the elements of the crime of human trafficking as laid out in the UN Palermo Protocol and the common defenses. This Practice Guide provides descriptions and examples of the three most common types of defenses and offers counter arguments and suggestions for types of corroborating evidence prosecutors should look for.

January 29, 2019, , , , englishcriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors
Prosecutor Trial Preparation – Preparing the Victim of Human Trafficking to Testify

This Practice Guide provides actionable techniques and guidelines for prosecutors to consider when preparing the victim of human trafficking to testify in court. The prosecutor can prepare and help the victim to successfully and comfortably testify against his or her trafficker(s).

October 6, 2017, , , , englishcriminal-justice prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors victim-centered-approach working-with-victims
Providing Social Services Support for People Who Experienced Human Trafficking Acting as Witnesses in Legal Proceedings

Social services staff can contribute to the prosecutions of traffickers by supporting victim-witnesses who want to engage with law enforcement. This Practice Guide illustrates the role of social services staff in criminal justice processes using composite scenarios based on real cases and provides an overview on how to create safety and support plans and ensure the victim has the necessary information to exercise choice throughout the criminal justice process. Social workers, case managers, shelter staff, and victim advocates will benefit from this Practice Guide’s application of the victim-centered approach to victim-witnesses in the criminal justice process.

January 29, 2019, , , , englishcivil-society criminal-justice social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims working-with-victims
Recolección de datos de justicia penal sobre la trata de personas: Guía práctica para aplicación de la ley

Esta Guía práctica es para los miembros de la fuerzas del orden que tienen la tarea de o están considerando recopilar datos de justicia penal sobre la trata de personas. Específicamente, esta Guía práctica es para las fuerzas del orden que aún no cuentan con una herramienta o un sistema de recopilación de datos estandarizados o suficientes para adquirir, registrar, rastrear y reportar información sobre la trata de personas. Esta Guía práctica puede ser utilizada por las fuerzas del orden para desarrollar un sistema preliminar con el objeto de recopilar datos de justicia penal sobre la trata de personas o para mejorar un sistema existente.

March 23, 2022, , , espanolcriminal-justice data-collection law-enforcement police
Selecting, Vetting, and Preparing Interpreters for Human Trafficking Cases

Written by Senior Advisor on Law and Policy Sheila Berman, this Practice Guide explains how to thoroughly vet and prepare interpreter candidates to ensure the proper handling of human trafficking cases. It assists investigators and prosecutors working on human trafficking cases where an interpreter will need to be hired.

November 3, 2017, , , , , englishcriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutors working-with-interpreters working-with-victims
Soins complets aux survivants de la traite de personnes – Une perspective de travail social

Les victimes de la traite sont des personnes de divers milieux, d’expériences de vie et de réactions à leur situation de traite. Les soins et le soutien aux victimes devraient refléter cette diversité en offrant des soins complets qui répondent aux besoins individuels des survivants alors qu’ils commencent à reconstruire leur vie. Un ensemble complet d’aides devrait inclure des soins par des travailleurs sociaux professionnels formés pour travailler avec les victimes de la traite de personnes. Les soins conçus pour répondre aux besoins individuels de chaque survivant réduisent leur vulnérabilité à la traite ou à l’exploitation et visent à assurer la réintégration à long terme de la collectivité et l’inclusion sociale.

September 26, 2022, , , , francaisecivil-society criminal-justice social-service-providers supporting-and-assisting-victims working-with-victims
The Consent Defense in Trafficking in Persons Cases

The defense of consent cannot be used in a trafficking in persons case. However, it nevertheless is commonly raised by defense attorneys either directly or indirectly. This Practice Guide equips investigators and prosecutors with knowledge of the laws and strategies to effectively thwart and respond to attempts by defense counsel to raise the issue of consent.

December 30, 2020, , , , englishcriminal-justice law-enforcement police prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors
Using the Palermo Protocol as a Basis for Drafting and Amending Victim-Centered National Anti-Human Trafficking Laws

The Palermo Protocol and its “3Ps” framework is the basis of writing or amending national anti-human trafficking laws that meet global standards. This Practice Guide walks legislative drafters through a victim-centered analysis of the articles of the Protocol and its obligatory and discretionary provisions for signatory states. This tool also includes a list of important questions to be considered when drafting or amending these laws.

January 29, 2019, , , , englishlaw legislators policy policymakers victim-centered-approach
Victim Compensation: The Role of the Prosecutor

From the prosecutor’s perspective, obtaining the full cooperation of the victim is often the most challenging aspect of a human trafficking prosecution. Trafficking victims are frequently in need of money to support themselves and their families. The possibility that a victim of trafficking may be entitled to receive compensation from the court or State can be a crucial part of an overall strategy to secure victim cooperation in the criminal justice process.

As such, it is incumbent upon prosecutors to inform victims of their right to seek compensation, explain the filing process to them, and, where appropriate and consistent with national law and procedures, assist the victim in applying for compensation. This Practice Guide explains the right to compensation under international law, considers practical issues and barriers in seeking compensation, provides examples of national legal responses to ensure trafficking victims receive compensation, and offers strategic guidance to prosecutors in seeking compensation.

September 30, 2021, , , , englishcriminal-justice prosecutor-trial-preparation prosecutors supporting-and-assisting-victims working-with-victims
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