This month, Warnath Group conducted ongoing training with the Nicoya, Guanacaste Cantonal Institutional Coordination Council (CCCI) as part of the Innovations in Addressing Child Trafficking (IACT) Program work with multi-disicplinary teams (MDTs) in Costa Rica. The training on May 10 with the CCCI Nicoya focused on the constituent elements of trafficking in persons, identifying indicators of child and adolescent trafficking, and the relevant institutional protocols to follow in the preliminary identification and referral of child and adolescent trafficking victims. Participants also gained insights into the role and care measures undertaken by the Immediate Response Team (ERI) and familiarized themselves with the ERI Accreditation Application Report.

The IACT Program is funded through a cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (J/TIP).

IACT Program Technical Specialists and members of the multi-disciplinary team in Nicoya on May 10.

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